Preparing a New Org
Standard Checkbox Images
Dashboards are Improved AND New in Summer 09
The Summer09 prerelease orgs are here, so get yours now! Upon first look, something cool stood out and merits immediate posting:
Dashboards are improved. The colors are more vivid, there’s detail in the bars and pie chart wedges, and… pie charts can now display the actual and percentage values!
Salesforce Blackberry Wallpaper
In honor of this week’s release of a Salesforce Mobile Development guide on DeveloperForce, we’re posting a Blackberry wallpaper for your enjoyment.
Hacking a Case Comment Trigger
There has been some chatter about asking the team to include the CaseComment object in the “triggerable” list. After conferring with JP Seabury (ForceMonkey), we designed a Rube Goldberg-esque solution to the problem.
Flexible Field Labels
The Ultimate Visualforce Events Tab – Almost Sites Guest User Profile Permissions
I’m working on an event registration application for the Sites Developer Challenge, and it involves a validation that the registrant’s email exists in a Contact record. Remembering that Steve Andersen had run into some obstacles with Contact.Email visibility, I decided to check the guest profile for Contact Field Level Security. Here’s what I found: If […]
Inline Visualforce Page Layouts!
We’re all used to using inline S-Controls, dragging and dropping them into page layouts. And the entire Salesforce community has been spending tons of time recreating page layouts in Visualforce, just to edit one small piece of a page.
As an example, how would you implement the example at Visualforce Dynamic Edit Page? You would do it the way it was explained in the blog post!
Well the rules of the game have changed.