Well, it took about ten minutes from the release of Email Inbox Version 1 for people to request additional features, screenshots, etc. Version 2 includes some neat icons, and this post has the multiple-times-requested screenshots we promised.
First, a teaser screenshot. (There's a better one below the code.)

Here's the updated Visualforce code:
< apex:page controller = "EmailMessageController" action = "{!ViewData}" > < apex:sectionHeader title = "Email Messages" subtitle = "" ></ apex:sectionHeader > < apex:pageblock id = "emailblock" > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:form > < apex:panelGrid styleClass = "list" columnClasses = "pbTitle,pbButton,pbHelp" columns = "3" border = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" > < apex:outputLabel >< h3 >Messages</ h3 ></ apex:outputLabel > < apex:commandButton value = " Refresh " styleClass = "btn" action = "{!ViewData}" rerender = "emailblock" ></ apex:commandButton > < apex:SelectList value = "{!wheretext}" size = "1" id = "controllerselectlist" > < apex:actionSupport event = "onchange" action = "{!ViewData}" reRender = "emailblock" ></ apex:actionSupport > < apex:selectOptions value = "{!views}" /> </ apex:SelectList > </ apex:panelGrid > </ apex:form > </ apex:facet > < apex:form > < apex:pageblocktable value = "{!Messages}" var = "e" id = "emailtable" bgcolor = "#F3F3EC" styleClass = "list" rowClasses = "dataRow" onRowMouseOver = "hiOn(this);" onRowMouseOut = "hiOff(this);" > < apex:column > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="{!$ObjectType.EmailMessage.fields.Subject.label}{!IF(sortExpression=='Subject', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "Subject" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > < apex:outputLink value = "/{!e.Id}" target = "_blank" >{!e.Subject}</ apex:outputLink > </ apex:column > < apex:column > < apex:facet name = "header" > {!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.label} </ apex:facet > < apex:outputLink value = "/{!e.Parent.ContactId}" target = "_blank" rendered = "{!IF(e.Parent.ContactId != '',true,false)}" >{!e.FromName}</ apex:outputLink > < apex:outputtext value = "{!e.FromName}" rendered = "{!IF(e.Parent.ContactId != '',false,true)}" /> </ apex:column > < apex:column > < apex:facet name = "header" > {!$ObjectType.Account.fields.Name.label} </ apex:facet > < apex:outputLink value = "/{!e.Parent.AccountId}" target = "_blank" >{!e.Parent.Account.Name}</ apex:outputLink > </ apex:column > < apex:column value = "{!e.FromAddress}" > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="{!$ObjectType.EmailMessage.fields.FromAddress.label}{!IF(sortExpression=='FromAddress', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "FromAddress" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > </ apex:column > < apex:column value = "{!e.Status}" > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="{!$ObjectType.EmailMessage.fields.Status.label}{!IF(sortExpression=='Status', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "Status" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > </ apex:column > < apex:column value = "{!e.MessageDate}" > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="{!$ObjectType.EmailMessage.fields.MessageDate.label}{!IF(sortExpression=='MessageDate', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "MessageDate" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > </ apex:column > < apex:column > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="Inbound/Outbound{!IF(sortExpression=='Incoming', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "Incoming" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > < apex:image url = "/img/emailInbound.gif" rendered = "{!e.Incoming}" /> < apex:image url = "/img/emailOutbound.gif" rendered = "{!NOT(e.Incoming)}" /> <!--<apex:outputfield value="{!e.Incoming}" rendered="{!NOT(e.Incoming)}" />--> </ apex:column > < apex:column > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="Attachment{!IF(sortExpression=='HasAttachment', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "HasAttachment" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > < apex:image url = "/img/emailHasAttach.gif" rendered = "{!e.HasAttachment}" /> < apex:outputfield value = "{!e.HasAttachment}" rendered = "{!NOT(e.HasAttachment)}" /> </ apex:column > < apex:column > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="{!$ObjectType.Case.fields.CaseNumber.label}{!IF(sortExpression=='ParentId', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "ParentId" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > < apex:outputLink value = "/{!e.ParentId}" >{!e.Parent.CaseNumber}</ apex:outputLink > </ apex:column > < apex:column value = "{!e.ToAddress}" > < apex:facet name = "header" > < apex:commandLink action = "{!ViewData}" value="{!$ObjectType.EmailMessage.fields.ToAddress.label}{!IF(sortExpression=='ToAddress', IF( sortDirection = 'ASC' ,'▼','▲'),'')}"> < apex:param value = "ToAddress" name = "column" assignTo = "{!sortExpression}" ></ apex:param > </ apex:commandLink > </ apex:facet > </ apex:column > </ apex:pageblocktable > </ apex:form > </ apex:pageblock > </ apex:page > |
The Apex controller code has not changed from Version 1.
Here's the screenshot, which includes some emails from around the Salesforce ecosystem:
Things to notice and things we've learned:- Salesforce will search ANY Email field to match an incoming email to a Contact. (nice job, Salesforce!) - We know because Simon Fell's Contact.Email is sfell at salesforce.com, and his Contact.Secondary_Email__c is simon at fell.com in the sandbox. Ditto (with her own email addresses) for Irene Brodt.
- Auto-response emails will be included. We turned off auto-response after a few emails came in.
- Though the Email Address field is coded just to show the field value, Salesforce includes the Gmail link. (We assume that's because we activated the integration, but we may be wrong. Has anyone not activated that?)
- We did not (yet) implement the super Email/Web2Case trigger code that Marco Casalaina posted in the Salesforce Support Blog, but if we had, then every email in the list would be associated with a Contact. (Example: Michael Smith of Force2b.net, who will be a Contact from now on!)
Oh Snap!!! Excellent work!! Very impressive.